Blog 28 July 2023

Accelerate your career in the Microsoft world without leaving Portugal: 4 valuable tips!


In the fast-paced world of technology, evolving professionally and facing stimulating and enriching challenges are goals pursued by many talents. If you are interested in boosting your career in the Microsoft universe, without having to leave Portugal, this article is for you.

We present four valuable tips that can help you reach your goal, including a special suggestion for working at Luza. Get ready to embark on an exciting professional development journey!

1. Keep up to date with Microsoft trends

To stand out in the Microsoft world, it's essential to stay up to date with the latest trends and technological advances. Microsoft is constantly releasing new tools, updates, and services, and keeping up with these changes can be key to boosting your career. Invest time in learning about the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, machine learning and application development. Microsoft offers a variety of online learning resources, such as the Microsoft Learn platform, that can help you acquire relevant skills and stay at the forefront of the industry.

2. Interact with the Microsoft community in Portugal

An effective way to get involved with the Microsoft community in Portugal is to participate in technology-related events, conferences, and workshops. Look for local events like developer meet ups, user groups or hackathons where you can meet experienced professionals and exchange knowledge. Also, social media can be a great way to connect with people who share your interests. Follow Microsoft influencers in Portugal and participate in online forums to expand your professional network and stay on top of available opportunities.

3. Look for opportunities at innovative technology companies such as Luza 😊

Working at a company that offers challenging opportunities is an effective way to boost your career in the Microsoft world. Luza, a technological company based in Portugal and that belongs to the Belgian group Cronos, is a notable example. With a stimulating environment and enriching projects, Luza provides an environment conducive to professional growth. By being part of a company that values the development of its talents and that is immersed in the Microsoft universe, you will have the opportunity to acquire practical experience, working with innovative and challenging technologies. In addition, Luza offers a collaborative and learning-oriented environment in which you can continuously expand your knowledge and skills.

4. Build a strong personal brand

In today's competitive world, it's critical to stand out from the crowd. Building a strong personal brand can open doors and boost your career. Use online platforms such as LinkedIn, GitHub, and blogs to share your knowledge and showcase your work. Contributing to open-source projects, writing technical articles or participating in discussion forums are effective ways to demonstrate your skills and expertise in the field. Also, look for relevant Microsoft certifications such as the MCSA certifications (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) or MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert), which can validate your skills and add value to your professional profile.


Boosting your career in the Microsoft world without leaving Portugal is possible with the right strategies: stay up to date with Microsoft technology news, actively participate in the community, seek out opportunities at innovative technology companies, and create a strong personal brand. By following these valuable tips, you will be on the right track to face stimulating and enriching challenges, while building a solid career in the Microsoft universe, without having to leave Portugal. The promising future is within your reach, so go ahead and conquer your professional goals!


by Andreia Lopes, Modern Workplace Specialist at Luza