News 03 May 2023

Luza at Iberian Technology Summit


Our colleagues Jorge Carvalho and Andreia Lopes headed to the Algarve to participate in the Iberian Technology Summit and they loved it! 😍 It was an excellent opportunity to enrich our knowledge, meet incredible people from the Microsoft community and also have some fun together. The event featured different courses and a Power Platform Hackathon on the first day and several expert sessions on the next day. Congrats to the organization for such an inspiring initiative!

Here is their testimonial and opinion:

Jorge Carvalho

I participated in the Hackathon during the day on Friday. The Hackathon had the theme of solving a problem of EGS (Environment, Governance and Social), to which my group tried to create a prototype of a product that would allow a private company dealing with food to announce the remainder of food on a Microsoft Portal to be collected by some charitable association. Using a Canvas App, it was possible to categorize products by their barcode and create the respective product in a Model-driven App so that the product stock could be consulted internally.

On Saturday there were many sessions during the day, making it impossible to be in several at the same time, so it was necessary to choose 1 per hour. I attended the following ones: Agility Applied within a Citizen Development Environment, AI Builder and Power Automate, Empowering Business Enablers with Power Platform, Microsoft Industry Clouds and the Power Platform, Supercharge your Power Apps and To Flow or Not to Flow.

It was a very pleasant event because I was able to see old colleagues, meet new professionals and new technologies. Explore the world of Power Platform better and understand the latest trends.

Andreia Lopes

While Jorge applied his knowledge to solve an EGS problem, I participated in the “Azure AI in a Day” workshop, led by a Microsoft “veteran”, Brent Dawson. The session was marked by moments of fun, opening new horizons and a lot of “hands-on”! The workshop was based on presenting the various Artificial Intelligence (AI/AI) services offered by Microsoft. In addition to getting to know the various characteristics of each one, explained and presented with real elements and situations, it was possible to apply and try them out in an Azure trial environment, where it was very interesting to see in real-time the execution of various processes, treatment and analysis of data and comparison between the various smart models and the difference in the results they produced.

The good-natured atmosphere was also felt during lunchtime, where the participants and the workshop speaker gathered at the same table and we shared each other's knowledge and experiences, revealing completely random, diverse and unique “backgrounds”, creating a quite assorted composition of profiles. Many were taking their first step into the world of Microsoft and were looking to discover more and update themselves in the face of the evident “digitization” and acceleration of the technological world. Not only were there Portuguese professionals, but also people from Germany, England, Netherlands, etc. (the speaker himself was from Canada!).

The end of the workshops was marked by a short break, followed by a performance by a rock duet on the hotel terrace, where there was also a bar and swimming pool for each participant to relax and have fun after almost a whole day of “ consumption” (and application) of knowledge. The moment was also opportune to practice a little networking with the other participants and discuss the new topics presented during the day. The end of the afternoon was marked by a performance by two of the event's organizers, where they "replaced" the band members and played a rendition of a song that I confess I don't know the name of, but it was incredible and got everyone applauding and dancing. In the evening, the Luza team got together for an informal Mexican dinner to share the moments spent during the first day of the Summit and end the night in good shape with some homemade and genuinely Italian ice cream!

On Saturday, there were several sessions related to the most varied topics, namely, application of knowledge, security and governance issues, as well as professional and personal development. There were several at the same time, which led to a difficult selection of which ones we really wanted to go, each lasting 45m/1h. I went to sessions on “Automate your business: start simple, start now!” and “10 Tips to create your Internet Website with Power Pages”, and I continued onwards, as I had a 6h trip ahead of me 😝.

I found the event very interesting and fun. It was the first time I heard about it and I think the event gained some publicity. I would definitely like to repeat it again and with all (or almost all) our team. There are 2 days dedicated to knowledge and sharing, and for those who are already part of the Microsoft world or who want to take their first steps, it is the perfect event to learn about new technologies and the latest trends, best practices and get to know a little about the Microsoft Specialist world.